Dynamic Discs Suspect Review
Other Disc Review

Dynamic Discs Suspect Review

Dynamic Discs’ Suspect is permanently in my bag to get me out of tough lies and to drop hard on tricky upshots.  This midrange approach disc is not what I’d consider a finesse disc, but it’s incredibly versatile for an overstable utility.

Dynamic Discs Suspect Manufacturer Notes

“The Suspect is a perfect in-between disc. With a very low profile and small diameter, it feels like a putter. With built in stability and great glide, it can fly like a midrange. You can use it for either. When thrown hard, it flies flat and lands flat without ever flipping over. When thrown soft, it is a great stable approach disc. The blunted nose also makes it great for sticking the chains if you need a headwind putter. Amazing versatility and great feel, we suspect you will love this disc and the low scores that accompany it.”

Available plastics: Classic, Classic Blend, Classic Soft, Bio Fuzion, Lucid, Fuzion
Flight Rating:  4,  3,  0,  3

Dynamic Discs Suspect Initial Reactions

Dynamic Discs Suspect Profile View

Low profile and flat top, an immediate attraction.  Add in the high stability and moderate glide and you’ve got a warrior of a disc.  The Suspect is dependable in nearly any situation and can handle a large range of power.

Dynamic Discs Suspect


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Dynamic Discs Suspect Putting Notes

While the Suspect is technically a midrange mold at speed 4, it falls in Inbound Disc’s same category as Dynamic Disc’s Harp; it’s a slow midrange that can double as a putter.  Beware that it is extremely overstable when used as a putter, but it’s consistent and will handle wind well.  I’d compare the putting abilities to the Discraft Zone.  Great turbo-putting disc.

Because of the Suspect’s stability rating you’ll need to be wary not to hit hard ground at a large angle with the nose otherwise you may experience some rolling.  I’ve been using a Classic Blend which is fairly soft and this does help mitigate roll-aways.

Dynamic Discs Suspect Flight Notes

The Dynamic Discs Suspect is an extremely dependable midrange disc.  It’s low glide helps keep it controllable even when taking on a high power throw.  The Suspect loves a straight flight from 150 to 300 feet before fading hard and dropping quickly.  It’s also an excellent choice for a hyzer, moderate or severe, as it will hold the original hyzer line without flipping up.

Given the overstability of the Suspect it makes a great hyzer and hyzer spike disc, of course softer plastic will help it stick to the ground and not roll away.  On hyzers it’s deadly accurate and on straight shots the only variables that makes a precision shot a little more difficult are the lower glide and the heavy fade; although those certainly add control.

I don’t anhzyer the Suspect often because it takes a lot of power to put it on an anhyzer which it pulls out of quickly due to the overstability.  However, this does offer a great opportunity to hit unique s-curve lines especially when throwing from behind an obstacle.  Instead of long anhyzers, the Suspect prefers forehand and can handle a good deal of torque.

Dynamic Discs Suspect Final Verdict

The Dynamic Discs Suspect is not a beginner disc.  It’s an advanced overstable utility disc that will add consistency and confidence to your game.  I bag a Suspect to fill the slot between putters and midranges and it’s one of my most reliable upshot discs.

Do you know someone who needs a dependable utility upshot or one of the best overstable disc golf putters on the market?  Share this post with them and let us know if you feel the same way about the Suspect!

Suspect Video

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