Putter Reviews,  Vibram Disc Golf

Vibram VP Putter Review

Vibram Disc Golf has recently announced that it will no longer be manufacturing disc golf discs.  In honor of the unique brand, we bring you a review of the first Vibram disc golf disc, the VP.

Vibram VP Putter Notes

“Our first disc, the VP (Vibram Putter) is an overstable putter that handles a head wind and gives a predictable, consistent fade. This is one of the strongest driving putters ever created. With minimal glide, it is a predictable putt and approach disc. If you’ve got power and want to drive a putter, reach for the VP.

 The VP is preferred by lob putters and hyzer putters and is designed for advanced players.”


Available plastics: X-Link, X-Link Firm

Flight Rating:  2, 3, 0, 2

VP Initial Reactions

A flat top, slightly deep rimmed putter with a big bead – what does that feel like?  If you guessed a Dynamic Discs Judge or Gateway Wizard you’ve got a good idea how this mold is shaped.  Being a Vibram disc, the VP is made of a rubber compound, which is oddly a little slippery in the hand compared to regular plastic discs.

Vibram VP Profile

Vibram VP By the Numbers

Vibram VP


Interactive flight chart brought you by DG Puttheads. Compare every disc over at flightcharts.dgputtheads.com

VP Putting Notes

Putting with the VP is interesting.  This is a low glide, overstable disc so it tends to fall out of the air earlier than expected.  I quickly noticed that I would need to add some extra power to my putt in order to get those circle-2 putts to drop.

VP Upshots and Approaches

This may feel like the glidey Judge or Wizard but it throws nothing like them.  I would compare the flight to an overstable utility putter like the Discraft Zone, Dynamic Discs Slammer, or the Reptilian Discs Scale but the VP covered a shorter distance than any of those comparable discs.

As expected, I found some success throwing the VP for those approach shots that need to sit still when they land.  The putter flexes out of an anhyzer line fairly quickly but works very well on the hyzer line.  Longer spike hyzers and even sidearm throws were no issue with the VP.  I also found the VP to respond very consistently in a headwind.

Vibram VP Final Verdict

I’m always intrigued to try a Vibram disc.  There’s something about the unique Vibram material.  Even though this feels similar to some of our favorite putters, the VP fell short of my expectations.  I wouldn’t recommend this as your circle putter and I feel there are better options for an overstable approach disc.  If you’re looking for a familiar feeling approach putter in the Vibram rubber material, this might be exactly what you’re looking for.

If you’re ready to try a VP for yourself then you can check your pricing and color options here!

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